Erlenkamp 22
D-22087 Hamburg
Bunker Delivery Survey (BQS) as set out in ISO 13739, survey of barge/vessel, substantial reporting system,sampling and transportation to a designated laboratory, co-operation with laboratories in Germany and United Kingdom. Performance of Non Cargo Tank Declaration Surveys in case of disputes. The calculation program used is certified by Lloyd's Register. My work based on a three years practical education by SGS, Bremen, Germany and an advanced training by FOBAS Lloyd's Register.
Condition Survey/Audit:
Internal Auditor for integrated management systems: ISM, ISPS, MLC, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 for shipping companies. Planning, preparation, performance, recording, reporting. following-up audits, handling of non-conformities, root cause analysis and corrective actions. The knowledges are certified by the DNV/GL courses no. 3035494 + 3082771.
Full condition survey/audit: for P&I entry, investors/banks or for buy & sales matters. The report describes and records the current status condition of the whole vessel and is subdivided in the items ISM, Hull & Machinery, Marpol, Cargo, Bridge, Personal Safety, Manning and Security. The report includes a risk assessment for the named items and based on a list of questions documented by a comprehensive photo documentation and technical drawings.
On-/offhire survey: condition and bunker survey (ROB), comprehensive cell-guide report and assessment of stevedore damages. Reporting with photo documentation and technical drawings. Performance of on-/off-hire surveys for all types of vessels. The calculation program used is certified by Lloyd's Register.
Main engine and auxiliary engines current status survey: conducting of performance tests, investigation of the maintenance condition of the main parts of the engines according to the planned maintenance system (PMS), evaluation of vessel's records as inspection through the scavenge ports report, main bearings clearance report, crankshaft deflection report, piston rings condition report, service reports T/C, service reports auxiliary engines report, luboil analysis, water proof sheets, chemical inventory list, critical spare part lists etc. Additionally experts will be enganged if necessary.
Hatchcover survey: Ultrasonic test, hose test, chalk test, smoke test, air test based on the standards of SDT-IMCS. The surveys will be performed with up to date calibrated and class approved equipment (ABS). The surveyors are well instructed and certified by a class (ABS) nominated company.
Accident Investigation/Damage Assessment:
Analysis and root course, investigation of the voyage data recorder/ECDID records. Evaluataion of vessel's documents as manouvre characteristics, analysing of banking effects, squat etc. This works are based on my experience as captain and sea pilot and my findings as an active trainer of the NSB simulator in Buxtehude, Germany.
Damage assessment on vessel and habour construction, comprehensive reporting with photo documentation and technical drawings.
Damage assesment for all type cargoes with specialization on steel shipment.
Opinion of the Court/GMAA Arbitrator:
Opinion of the court for companies and private persons, presentation of interests judicially and extrajudicially. My service includes for example the analysis of the Voyage Data Recorder/ ECDIS records or the calculation of the acceleration forces on board of a vessel.
Active arbitrator of the German Maritime Arbitration Association GMAA in Hamburg, Germany